Advanced Certificate in Youth Development and Counselling Course Guide

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Advanced Certificate in Youth Development and Counselling Course Guide

Certificate in Child Psychological Development

This course will provide an overview of child psychology, including but not limited to the nature and nurture influences on a child’s development, why correlation rather than cause is used in the study of children’s behaviour and the key issues in studying children.

This course will provide an introduction to key theories and issues within the study of newborn psychology and development, and will include but not be limited to theories of newborn development, genetic and environmental factors (nature and nurture) that can influence a child’s personality and the effect the perinatal environment can have on a child’s development.

This course will provide an introduction to the early development of children before they acquire language, including but not limited to sensory discrimination and the various types of discrimination, the infant states psychologists observe in research and the concept of Habituation.

This course will provide an introduction to ways infants and young children learn, and a range of factors that can influence their learning. It will include but not be limited to the four basic ways of learning and how they can be practically applied to a child’s learning, the roles of reinforcement, consequences and punishment and the factors that contribute to learned helplessness.

This course will provide an overview of how healthy social and emotional development can be studied and supported in children, including but not limited to the emotions displayed at different stages of an infant’s development, theories on mother-child attachment and the perceptual recognition approach.

This course will provide an introduction to psychological understandings of reasoning skills and information processing, and how these skills apply to children’s learning. It will include but not be limited to the different types of play and why they are important, Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and the significance of memory capacity in cognitive development.

This course will provide an introduction to a range of theories about how children first learn to speak and understand language, including but not limited to the different language acquisition theories, the development of speech during the first two years of a baby’s life and techniques that can aid the development of language in babies.

This course will provide an introduction to a range of influences on the development of intelligence in children, and will include but not be limited to the influence nature and nurture has on intelligence, approaches to defining intelligence and the impact parental influences can have on intelligence.

This course will provide an introduction to the beginnings of social cognition in children, including but not limited to key concepts of social cognition, the development of egocentrism in children and how the development of social cognition is reflected in friendships children form.

This course will provide an introduction to the ways that children learn right and wrong, covering various approaches to the psychological study of morality. It will include but not be limited to the difference between power-assertive discipline and inductive discipline, strategies designed to encourage altruistic behaviour and a look at aggression.

This course will take a look at a range of influences on the development of sexuality in children, and will include but not be limited to Freud’s key principle on child sexuality and psychosexual development, gender identity vs sex role identity, sexual behaviour displayed by children and a look at abuse.

This course will provide an introduction to the impact of socialisation on the healthy development of children, including but not limited to the influence and effects parental behaviour and family structure can have on a child’s development, common disciplinary methods, the level of influence siblings have on a child’s development as well as the influence of peer interaction on socialisation.

Certificate in Adolescent Psychological Development

This course will provide an introduction and basic overview of Xero, including but not limited to the benefits of using Xero and cloud computing, the system requirements for Xero, and how to navigate the Xero Dashboard.
This course will provide an introduction to setting up the Xero Payroll module, and will include but not be limited to how to assign users with payroll administration access, how to create pay calendars, and how to create holiday groups.
This course will provide a close look at payroll items in Xero, including but not limited to pay item categories, earnings rates, deductions and reimbursement pay items as well as leave items.
This course will take a look at new employees and leave requests in Xero, and will include but not be limited to setting up employees, entering opening balances, and assigning leave.
This course will provide an introduction to pay templates in Xero, and will include but not be limited to how to produce new pay templates, how to apply changes to pay templates and how to apply changes to employee earnings.
This course will take a close look at creating and posting pay runs in Xero, and will include but not be limited to processing pay runs, creating unscheduled pay runs, reverting posted pay runs and modifying draft payslips.
This course will provide an overview of payslips and payroll reporting in Xero, and will include but not be limited to accessing historical payslips for employees and how to locate and produce payroll reports.

This course will provide an introduction to Employment Payment Summaries, including but not limited to the procedure for reconciliation from payroll to the general ledger, how to prepare payroll for the year end and how to produce employment payment summaries so that they can be filed with the ATO and published to the employee’s secure portal.

This course will provide an introduction to the changes that occur moving from adolescence to adulthood, including but not limited to Erikson’s latter stages of development, theories on vocational development and the influential factors on career choice.

Certificate in Counselling Skills  

This course will provide an introduction to various methods of learning and identifying essential micro- skills. It will include but not be limited to the function and purpose of counselling, psychoanalytic techniques, key concepts of humanistic therapy and key counselling skills.

This course will provide an introduction to the skills of commencing the counselling process, including but not limited to the unique relationship between the counsellor and client, the role of listening in the counselling process and the importance of a good environment.

This course will provide an introduction to the notion of reflection of content and feelings, including but not limited to the five basic responses of non-directive counselling, paraphrasing, the process of reflection on thoughts and feelings and responses to reflection.

This course will provide an overview of different questioning techniques and their usefulness in the counselling process. It will include but not be limited to the importance of restricting questioning, the difference between open and closed questions, questions that should be avoided and the various ways questions are used in crisis counselling.

This course will take a look at various micro-skills such as summarising, confrontation and reframing. It will include but not be limited to the effects such micro-skills can have on the client, when it is appropriate or inappropriate for a counsellor to use each micro-skill and a look at Carl Rogers’s perspective on effective counselling.

This course will provide an introduction to the negative impact of self-destructive beliefs and the value of normalising in the counselling process. It will include but not be limited to the reasons for self-destructive beliefs, the components and benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, case studies of normalising and the symptoms and treatment for depression.

This course will take a look at how a client can make choices, overcome psychological blocks and facilitate actions. It will include but not be limited to ways to find solutions, the process of creating, making and reviewing choices, the components of the Gestalt awareness circle and ways to overcome psychological blockages.

This course will provide an overview of effective ways to close the counselling session, arranging further meetings and overcoming dependency. It will include but not be limited to the three stages of a counselling session, the importance of time management in a counselling session and how dependency can be managed.


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There are no entry requirements or prerequisites to enrol on this course. You can enrol online directly by clicking “Enrol Now” and following the prompts. Alternatively, you can enrol over the phone with our friendly student advisors – call 1800 837 550 or email

This course costs $1,495 + GST or only $25 per week on a no-deposit, interest-free payment plan. Click here to get started now.

This course takes approximately 300 hours, and you’ll have up to 12 months to complete. Study in your own time, at your own pace. Most of The Career Academy courses are designed so that you do one module a week, but if life gets busy, you can apply for a course extension if you need more time.

Your course is delivered through our online learning platform, which you can access from any web browser 24/7 to work whenever and wherever you want. You can also interact with your tutors and other students within the learning environment. Online learning allows you to make the best use of your time and puts all the necessary resources at your fingertips. There are no set course start dates; you can start whenever you are ready, and your tutors and student services will check in on your progress and help you every step of the way.

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Absolutely! You’ve got an 7-day cooling-off period (trial period) at the start of your course. Take that time to review all your learning material and get a feel for online learning. If you decide the course isn’t for you within the trial period, you’ll get a full money-back guarantee*.

There are no entry requirements or prerequisites to enrol on this course. You can enrol online directly by selecting your course, clicking “Enrol Now”, and following the prompts. 

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After enrolling, you’ll receive an 7-day cooling off period (or trial period). If you decide the course isn’t for you within the trial period, you’ll get a full money back guarantee.