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Samantha’s story

Samantha’s story “If you believe you can, you can!”   Samantha studied the Certificate in Bookkeeping with us and we asked her a few questions. Samatha Priday – Certificate in Bookkeeping   Tell me a little bit about yourself… I am a single mother of two and I am currently working as an Office Manager in Wellington. […]

Nicky’s story

Nicky’s story “My tutor was fantastic!”   Nicky studied the Diploma in Management and Team Leadership with us and we asked her a few questions. How did you hear about The Career Academy? I was searching for some exiting courses to do, but also knew that financially I would not be able to afford studying […]

Joanne’s Story

Joanne’s story A future Master Practicioner of Coaching!   We sat down with Joanne Hewlett and a had a brief chat about her studies with The Career Academy   How did you hear about The Career Academy? I was living in a very small town and could only study online so I googled the kind of study […]

Amali’s Story

Amali’s’s story Amali’s furray into Psychology and Counselling with The Career Academy   How did you hear about The Career Academy? I saw an advert on Facebook and called the number   Why did you choose your The Career Academy course? Initially I took on the Diploma in Psychology and Counselling as I saw it as a […]

Hayden’s Story

Hayden’s story Hayden’s studying with The Career Academy has helped them set future goals   How did you hear about The Career Academy? Due to unforeseen injuries through working I had the hard choice to redirect my skills. In doing so I needed to gain some new skills and the direction I would like to go […]

Hiromi’s Story

Hiromi’s story A mum starting a new career!   We sat down with Hiromi and a had a brief chat about her studies with The Career Academy   Tell us a little bit about yourself…   I’m Hiromi, born and raised in Auckland, NZ (after a short stint in Rarotonga). My family and I moved […]

Nikki’s Story

Nikki’s story “The team at The Career Academy really know how to support and guide people towards their goals.” Accounting Technician during the weekdays, Rally driver in the weekend! Nikki is a former student of The Career Academy who has successfully completed a Certificate in Payroll Administration and a Certificate in Accounting, as well as […]

Janet’s Story

Janet’s story A Stay at Home Mum with Aspirations to Work with Animals!   We sat down with Janet and a had a brief chat about her studies with The Career Academy   Tell me a little bit about yourself…   I am Janet, a stay at home mum. A friend of mine offered for […]

Carol’s story

  Carol’s story “There was no rush. I could just work at my own pace around the other demands on my time,” Carol explains. “The tutors were really supportive and quick to respond. Plus, tutor support was available on Saturdays – what a brilliant idea! It was just perfect for people like me who’re trying to juggle work, family life and […]