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Advanced Certificate in Family Wellness and Crisis Intervention Course Guide

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Advanced Certificate in Family Wellness and Crisis Intervention Course Guide

Certificate in Child & Adolescent Mental Health

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Normal Childhood Development
  • Good Mental Health
  • Understanding Childhood Mental Illness
  • Prevalence Of Mental Health Issues In Children And Adolescents
  • Differences To Adult Mental Health
  • An Introduction To The Mental Health Industry
  • Introduction
  • Types Of Depression In Childhood
  • Diagnosis Of Depression In Children
  • Causes Of Childhood Depression
  • Assessing Risk Of Suicide

  • Introduction
  • Scope And Nature Of Anxiety Disorders
  • Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders
  • Childhood Anxiety Disorders
  • Adolescent Anxiety Disorders
  • Other Anxiety Related Problems
  • Introduction To Tic Disorders
  • Types Of Tics
  • Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome (Tourette’s Disorder)
  • Transient Tic Disorder
  • Chronic Tic Disorder
  • Tic Disorder (Nos)

  • Introduction
  • Differences To Adults
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Congenital Malformations
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Tumours
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Environmental Toxins
  • Introduction
  • Elimination Disorders
  • Encopresis
  • Enuresis
  • Feeding And Eating Disorders Of Childhood
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Selective Mutism
  • Stereotypic Movement Disorder
  • Introduction
  • Child Abuse
  • Definition Of Child Abuse
  • Factitious Disorder By Proxy
  • The Effects Of Abuse
  • Attachment Issues
  • Lifestyle
  • Drug Treatments
  • Food And Mental Health
  • Alternative Therapies

Certificate in Child Psychological Development

By the end of this course, you will be able to: Define key terms in the study of child psychology. Distinguish between the nature and nurture influences on a child’s development and evaluate how they are perceived by people. Discuss why correlation rather than cause is used in the of study children’s behaviour. Recognise the theories of continuity and discontinuity. Explain research methods used in psychology studies and the ethics involved in these studies.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Describe the theories of newborn development. Discuss the genetic and environmental factors (nature and nurture) that can influence a child’s personality. Explain the affects the perinatal environment can have on a child’s development.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Explain sensory discrimination and the various types of discrimination. Explain the infant states psychologists observe in research. Define the concept of Habituation. Give examples of Habituation.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Define key terms associated with learning. Define and give examples of the four basic ways of learning. Discuss how the four ways of learning can be practically applied to a child’s learning. Explain the role reinforcement, consequences and punishment play in the learning and development of an infant. Identify the factors that contribute to learned helplessness. Outline how learning control can overcome learned helplessness.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Identify the emotions displayed at different stages of an infant’s development. Explain smiling and fear using the perceptual recognition approach. Compare the different theories on mother-child attachment. Analyse the different theories on mother-child attachment by evaluating your own observations. Recognise key theories on the emotions and socialisation of babies. Explain the effects day care can have on the development of a child.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Explain Piaget’s stages of cognitive development using examples. Recognise the different types of play and why they are important. Define the cognitive processes using examples. Recognise the connection between cognition models and computer simulation. Explain the significance of memory capacity in cognitive development. Outline the main improvement strategies.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Discuss the different language acquisition theories. Describe the development of speech during the first two years of a baby’s life. Identify key speech- language milestones in the first 12 months of development. Discuss techniques that can aid the development of language in babies.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Discuss the influence nature and nurture has on intelligence. Explain the different approaches to defining intelligence. Give examples of how the approaches to intelligence can be applied. Outline how intelligence is measured. Discuss the limitations of intelligence testing. Explain the impact parental influences can have on intelligence.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Define social cognition. Discuss the key concepts of social cognition. Recognise the development of egocentrism in children. Explain the term perspective taking. Recognise how the development of social cognition is reflected in friendships children form. Discuss the types of social scripts children learn and their importance to the child’s development. Discuss the importance and relevance of pretend play for a child’s development.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Identify the three systems of the Freud’s personality structure. Define the concepts of Piaget’s approach to morality. Compare the levels of moral judgement in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Recognise the difference between power-assertive discipline and inductive discipline. Discuss the strategies designed to encourage altruistic behaviour and how to apply them. Distinguish between the two types of aggression. Recognise how aggression changes with age. Recognise aggression as a stable attribute.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Identify Freud’s key principle on child sexuality. Explain the phases of Freud’s Psychosexual development using examples. Distinguish between gender identity and sex role identity. Identify sexual behaviour displayed by children. Define child abuse. Recognise children most vulnerable to abuse. Recognise characteristics of abusers. Discuss the triggers of abuse.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Discuss the influence and effects parental behaviour and family structure can have on a child’s development. Identify common disciplinary methods. Recognise the level of influence siblings have on a child’s development. Describe the influence and effects school can have on a child’s development. Discuss the influence of peer interaction on socialisation.

Certificate in Crisis Counselling

This course explores crises as transitional periods in individuals’ lives, covering various crisis types, responses, and interventions. It discusses psychological debriefing, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), and crisis responses in law enforcement. Criticisms of debriefing and CISM effectiveness are also addressed.
This course focuses on counsellors’ ethical, legal, and professional duties, especially in crisis counselling. Responsibilities include respecting client rights, avoiding conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, and terminating relationships appropriately. Competent crisis intervention professionals possess specialized skills and backgrounds in fields like psychology, social work, or medicine, ensuring availability and expertise.
This course addresses dangers during crises, transference, countertransference, teenage crises, suicide types, interventions, assessment, treatment plans, professional ethics, risks, and debriefing strategies for crisis intervention staff, emphasizing support, diagnosis, and ethical considerations in counselling and crisis management.
This course covers developmental, situational, and complex crises, Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, warning signs of teenage crises, coping with disaster, children’s grief, and guidelines for supporting grieving children and adolescents. It emphasises understanding unique adolescent experiences and providing appropriate support during grief and loss.
This course introduces post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), its causes, symptoms, and treatments. PTSD arises after exposure to terrifying events, leading to anxiety, depression, and emotional numbness. Treatments include cognitive-behavioural therapy, medication, and group therapy. Complex PTSD, stemming from prolonged trauma like childhood abuse, requires specialized, longer-term treatment.
This course covers responses to assault, including sexual assault trauma syndrome phases, victim reactions, coping with stalking, male survivors support, and counselling stages. It also addresses violent attacks, terrorist attacks, and acute traumatic stress management protocols for emergency personnel.
This course delves into substance use disorders, exploring substance dependence, abuse, and associated mental health issues like PTSD. It discusses reasons for drug use, traumatic effects, and the intersection of alcohol use with PTSD, emphasizing integrated treatment approaches for effective management.
This course explores various family crises, including divorce, domestic violence, and child abuse. It addresses factors influencing children’s adjustment, such as parental conflict and support. Moreover, it examines how PTSD affects families and the evolving field of family therapy, emphasizing interventions during times of crisis for improved family functioning.
This course emphasizes cultural sensitivity in counselling, highlighting diverse responses to crises. Cultural humility is crucial in understanding clients’ values. Various methods like simulations and critical incident technique aid in training counsellors for multicultural interactions. Coping with culture shock and crisis intervention, considering cultural implications, are also discussed.

Certificate in Family Counselling

This course explores family dynamics, encompassing traditional and non-traditional structures, cultural influences, and life cycle stages. Topics include roles within families, societal shifts, and diverse compositions. It delves into patriarchal and matriarchal systems, addressing contemporary challenges and adaptations within modern families.
This course discusses culture shock, migration stress, coping with job loss, and family crises. It covers stages of culture shock, symptoms of crises, and impacts on individuals and families. Topics include substance misuse, PTSD, and warning signs in teenagers, offering insights into navigating challenging life transitions and situations.
This course explores family therapy, covering aspects like family history, common problems, past treatments, and the evolution of therapy. Topics include abuse, schizophrenia’s familial impact, and influences from social work and group dynamics, offering insights into effective therapeutic approaches within family dynamics.
This course covers family therapy principles, emphasising problem identification, genogram construction, and tailored interventions. It promotes healing through open communication, empowerment, and resilience-building, addressing issues like divorce, abuse, and substance misuse. Genograms aid in understanding family dynamics, while community genograms broaden cultural context.
This course explores diverse support structures for families, encompassing extended family, social workers, community services, disability support, addiction, separation, and more. It emphasizes tailored assistance, from counselling to practical aid, aiming to enhance family well-being amid various challenges like disability, addiction, and relationship breakdowns.
This course explores diverse family therapy approaches: Family Systems, Adlerian, Transgenerational, Human Validation Process, and Experiential. Each approach highlights unique aspects, such as family dynamics, birth order, communication patterns, self-differentiation, and spontaneous techniques, all aimed at fostering positive change within familial relationships.
This course explores diverse family therapy approaches including Structural, Strategic, and Social Constructionist methods. Key concepts include family structure analysis, boundary dynamics, and narrative reframing. Therapists aim to empower families, foster collaboration, and find solutions, integrating techniques from multiple theories for effective practice.
This course introduces family therapy principles, emphasizing thorough assessment, genograms, and initial interviews to identify issues. Key stages include joining, assessment, and commitment. Techniques like tracking and tentative hypotheses help understand family dynamics, fostering trust and equipping families with coping skills for resolving conflicts collaboratively.
This course covers multicultural family therapy, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging cultural backgrounds, seeking constructive resolutions to family problems, and providing flexible treatment for child sexual abuse, involving multidisciplinary teams. It explores various therapy options, including group and dyadic treatments, focusing on reducing future abuse risks.


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This course costs $1,595 + GST or only $25 per week on a no-deposit, interest-free payment plan. Click here to get started now.

This course should take approximately 100 study hours. This is only an estimate, and numbers may vary between learners. 

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